*That Time I Slapped Hell Out of the President . . . .

I retired some years ago, but got bored sitting around the house. I looked around for something to do with my time and inquired at a local car dealership for something part time in their sales department. I've noticed old duffers like me employed as lot salesmen by dealerships from time to time. The local Ford dealer said they'd give me as try and soon I was working the sales lot on an irregular basis, on call as it were. In a few weeks I became a regular sight around the dealership. Then, the owners decided to remodel their facility, and things got a bit chaotic around the place with workmen, dust, clutter and confusion. More for the sake of the employees than anything else the owners decided to hold a sort of open house, and outdoor event to be held alongside the local riverside. Strangely, the theme of the event was ‘Equine’ - horses! Odd for an auto dealer, wouldn't you say? The event soon grew larger than anticipated and everyone was invited including local politicians...