The God Business
I got to figuring maybe I better get this writ down while I still can about how my best friend got in the God Business. Ol' Buford, he’s busy these days and I don’t expect him to write about it hisself. But still, I believe folks oughta know. Actually, I ain’t writing this stuff down atall, but my nephew is recording it and he says he’ll get it all set down on paper for me later. I ain’t much hand at writing myself, and my nephew can fix the spelling and whatnot else too. He’s a good boy and smart enough to be the first one in our family to go off to college. He said he'll write it all down just like I told it too. I’ve got me a best friend I’ve had since we were kids, name of Buford Turno. His real name is Buford LeTourneau out something like that, but we just call him Buford Turno. You mighta heard of him, only these days he calls hisself ‘The Very Reverend Buford Bishop’. So, me’n Ol’ Buford, we were having us a few cool ones down at the pool hall one Saturday and he ...