An Offshore Hog

Long ago I had a friend who lived on Monhegan Island, ME. He is now passed on so I guess he can't mind me telling this story. For the sake of his family’s privacy though, I will simply call him ‘Roy’. Families have lived for many generations on some of the bigger islands lying just offshore from Maine, some going as far back as colonial times even. Monhegan is around four and one half square miles in area and lies about 11 miles due south of nearest landing point in Port Clyde, St. George, ME. and about the same distance east from New Harbor, ME. It is the first landfall offshore mariners see as they approach West Penobscot Bay from the ‘west’ when they are sailing ‘downeast’. Roy was a very large, tall and very strong man, a lobsterman by trade. He was quite a character as almost all of the permanent Maine islanders are. He had some of the biggest hands I ever saw. Once in a bar in Boothbay Harbor, I saw Roy knock a man down who slid under a table in a booth. Roy rea...