Christian Civility

Maybe I shouldn’t be telling this story about old Deacon Rupert Sawyer. You know the one I’m talking about, old Rupert Sawyer who lived over in Crisp County? But old Deacon Sawyer’s been dead now these fifteen years or more, so I don’t suppose there’s any harm now. Both the Deacon and his wife have now gone to their heavenly rewards and left little in the way of family behind that I know of. I wished to share this story with others before it’s my own time to make my final journey wherever that may lead, if anywhere. You see, I am not known as a Christian man myself. But, old Deacon Rupert Sawyer was a strict Christian Man , Southern Baptist of course, as he wanted everyone to know. Rupert Sawyer had worked his way up from Sunday School teacher to senior deacon at his church in town over the years. He wanted everyone to know that too. Sawyer styled himself as a benevolent, God-fearing and Jesus-loving Christian man, which was a bit of a hoax if you knew anything about how ...