Abner Jones Goes To Hell

Abner Jones went to Hell. I mean exactly that. When ol’ Abner Jones died he went straight to Hell. What puzzled him, first made him suspicious and alarmed him was the strong smell of sulfur wafting around the hinges of those big iron doors which were all softly glowing and smoking hot. Abner knew he was dead all right. How could he not? He’d been sitting there playing poker with a few friends, mostly guys who worked for him on the farm. It was a regular Friday night affair in his basement rec room. He was having a good night like he usually did, and was ahead by nearly five hundred dollars. Then out of nowhere came a tremendous pressure in his chest. Abner knew exactly what that was because he’d had a little taste of it a few months earlier. At that time the doctor warned him to lay off the beer and fatty foods and told him to lose about twenty or thirty pounds. But what the hell do doctors know about real people anyhow? They are always giving folks pills and putting ...