How To Erect A Perpendicular

"Where the Hell’s my goddamned framing square?" asked Walt. We were out on a job together for the first time and I was a fairly new hire with the company. "Dunno." I said. "Last I noticed, I think I saw it laying on the bench back at the shop. "Damn!" he said. "And just when I really need it right now too." "What for?" I asked. "To square to goddamned lines with it you dumbass!" Walt snarled. "We’ve got to layout the opening for a big overhead door in this here concrete wall and cain’t afford no screwups. I plumbed the two sides of the door yestidday, now I got to layout where to cut for the header. What the hell did you think I wanted my square for anyway, to file my fricking nails or comb my hair with it?” Old Walt had a charming way about him for damned sure. And nobody liked to work with him except maybe some of the other old farts in the outfit. Crotchety, opinionated and ...